There was no time to complain about the lack of hygiene products, a comment to the suggestion box would have to wait. Her mission at the moment was clear. "Find the unfortunate owner of the unsanitary cell phone she was holding in her hot little hand..." she flipped open the phone and hoped it would be easy to navigate around, you know cell phones, their all so different..She found the button that she hoped would lead her to the owner..She pushed it..It began ringing, her heart was beating so fast and loud that she could have sworn a group of "Na'vi" started doing a rain dance to the rhythm.."Hello?" came the male voice on the other end. "Hi" she stated nervously as if she was a telemarketer making her first dinner
interruptive phone call. "I was just going to the bathroom and found this cell phone in the stall and was hoping you could help me track down its owner?" She instantly regretting saying she was "going to the bathroom", after all it was none of his business and she hardly knew him and she wanted so bad to clarify that she was going #1, but something told her he wouldn't believe her anyway..."Oh, yes! That's my wifes phone!, thank you so much for finding it!" " No problem " he was so excited that Mandi had found it that she decided to forgo the info about not washing her hands before touching the phone, no reason to be a downer afterall.."My wife is this cute little red head" (Luckily that narrowed down the search) "She's working at the booth @$@$# They sell Root canal instruments". "Of course they do" Mandi thought. "Well no worries I'll
find her and return the phone." "Thank you " he sighed before hanging up. She didn't have time to ask about a reward he hung up too fast. Walking up and down the aisles at this convention made Mandi realize just how many different companies sell root canal instruments. "How could one possibly make a decision??" I mean it was clear to Mandi that her decision would be educated and precise and solely based on color scheme..But Dr. Ban didn't care about color? Oh she was so glad not to be him right now...As she neared the aisle of the so called booth, she quickly locked her eyes on her target, it had to be her how many red heads at one root canal booth could there be? She made her way thru the crowd of people. She tried to wear a look on her face that said "I have a purpose other then purchasing equipment" so as to not give a false hope of a potential sell...She thought about asking where the bathroom was to break the ice, but of course the Ginger knew where the bathroom was, she left her phone there. She was just
going to have to come out with it. "Hey are you #@$#@@?" "Yes" she said happily...a little too happy for someone who just lost her phone, maybe further testing should be involved Mandi thought..She decided to give her the benefit of the doubt." Is this your phone?"
"Oh my gosh I can't believe you found it?!" Obviously she didn't know who she was dealing with, if you lost a red popsicle in the snow..., Mandi was your girl. She could find almost most things..."Ya, I found it in the bathroom stall" She left out the part of not washing before handling, as she passed the phone across the counter. "Oh thank you so much that was so nice of you how did you find me?" "I called the last number on your phone, and your husband answered good thing it wasn't a 976 number that would have been embarrassing!" Mandi laughed at her inappropriate joke. "Excuse me?" said the Ginger with a look of confusion. "Anyhow, glad I found you" Mandi said. "Yes, thank you again for returning it" "Umm, your husband mentioned a reward?" Mandi quickly mumbled.."Pardon?" she countered. Was this women hard of hearing? "You know what never mind, have a good day!" Mandi quickly turned on her heel and skipped over to the other root canal booth where she had left her Dr.Ban. "Ready to go to US?" "Like 4 hrs ago!"...
Chapter 2
I'm one of those who still check. I love reading your writing, you are so clever... keep it up woman!